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Our "Birth" Story...

Baby Room Cabinet

Naked Baby is a product of Sweet Emotions which began in founder Amber Combs' kitchen in 2012. Baby products were among the first formulated, as so many of Amber's friends were having babies, and came to their hippy friend for her homemade "soaptions". Amber created a line of pure products, formulated for baby skin, and keeping the baby products "naked" (free of even essential oils).

Sweet Emotions has grown quite a bit in 5 years, and is known for its' full line of skincare for the entire family. However, Naked Baby has always been a special "baby" of the brand. Along the journey, Amber met the "Maker Man", Josh, who is now her partner in business and in life. They married in September 2017. 

2018 is the launch of Naked Baby as its' own focused brand. The need for truly pure skincare for babies is so great. This "baby" of the business is also meant to help its' founders on their path to a baby of their own together.

While Sweet Emotions was created with the concept, "to whom much is given, much is expected", with its Bar for Bar donation program; the profits from Naked Baby are going to making Amber & Josh's dream of a baby possible. Their fairytale love story cannot involve bringing a baby into the world in the traditional way. It only made sense to allow the business that brought them together, to serve a larger purpose in their story and life together. Naked Baby became so much more than just a concept of the company. 

By helping babies and families create a healthy skincare routine via these products, the brand will also help it's founders complete their family. 

With much love & gratitude~ Amber & Josh

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